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Investment Management Services

Our Investment Management services oversee and deploy our low-cost, globally allocated and tactically managed portfolios utilized to accommodate each client’s specific investment needs. Foundational to our investment management approach is both the Investment Policy Statement (IPS) and our Discretionary Portfolio Management.

Investment Policy Statement (IPS). Our investment management process starts by developing and designing a written policy statement for each goal within every client’s custom financial plan. By laying out custom liquidity, cash flow, allocation and risk parameter requirements of each client-specific investment objective, this policy statement serves to guide our management of the investment capital we oversee.

Discretionary Portfolio Management encompasses our investment strategy discipline and our portfolio management process applied to the our client's capital. Within the parameters of each IPS we employ proactive and disciplined investment management in order to continuously assess the ever-changing market conditions impacting our client portfolios. By following this approach we are able to remain focused on continually analyzing the delicate balance needed to drive long-term goal-driven performance while seeking to mitigate unnecessary and longer-term investment risk.